An amazing and educational HANDS ON experience! With snakes and lizards both big and small, a giant tortoise and even a speedy little hedgehog named Sonic! If you're feeling extra brave we can even bring a pink toed tarantula!

Age Specific Presentations

We cater our presentations to the age group of the kids, with jokes, games and questions that are designed to stimulate education.

Tailored Animals

Is your family or group more interested in snakes, or maybe lizards? We bring more of the animals you are interested in!

Interact With Animals

Kids and adults can interact with the majority of our animals. You can pet, feed and even hold our friendly pets.

Friendly Animals

We have been working with our animals for years on behavior and socialization. Rest assured that any animal we bring is safe.

A few of Our Animals


Bruno is a "Green Iguana", I know what you're thinking, he doesn't look very green; well that's because he's an Albino Green Iguana.

CEO / Founder

Bowser is an African Sulcata Tortoise and they are the 3rd LARGEST species of tortoise in the world. Bowser will likely grow up to 150lbs and loves having his shell scratched.


Titan is a 10 Foot long True Red Tailed Boa. He loves outside time and hanging out on people's shoulders.